Aren’t you ready to come home yet?
This question, asked by my mom yesterday, has been on my mind lately. Now that our return trip to Chile has been booked, scheduled for 3:00pm on December 16 and making today one month until I am officially scheduled to leave Cochabamba, this question seems even more relevant. Am I really ready to come home yet?
I didn’t have an answer for my mom at the time, but I did tell her that thinking about the option of going home is something that I simply cannot let myself do, as I still have 2 years ahead of me in South America. Since then, I have realized two things:
1. Although I have enjoyed my time here thus far and have a good chunk of the language under my belt, my work has not even started. The life that I am experiencing here in Bolivia is nothing like what I will experience in Chile, and if I were to leave now, my mission and what I came to South America to do will be left unfinished without even giving it a chance to start.
2. Without any offense to my mom, I wonder what exactly she and we mean when we say “home.” Do I really have a home? Is home just a place where you grew up and where your immediate family lives, or is it “where your heart is” according to the famous phrase? With the first definition, I would call Parkville and Kansas home. With the second, I would call Parkville, Kansas, South Bend, Washington, DC and Bolivia home, hoping to add the pueblo town of Pocurro, Chile to the list; thus, it is simply not possible to return “home” and returning to any of those places would only be going to just a part of “where my heart is.”
Despite the answer, I do have to say that I am experiencing a lot of emotions about my return trip to Chile. I am excited to once again see the current HCA Chile group, who I consider friends made during that first week in South America. But I am also anxious about my first “real life” work experience after college. Will the experience in Chile be all that it is cracked up to be? Will it meet my expectations? Will I be able to fulfill what I am called to do? Only time will provide the answers and my last month in Bolivia will definitely be time to prepare me for what I can only see is an amazing journey ahead.